Monthly collection September 2022

Welcome to this collection of work of September 2022!
I am happy to collect in this place some of the drawings and paintings I’ve been working on during this month.


Here you can see some photos with a better resolution than on my instagram page.

I would love to hear from you! Please if you want to get in touch you can email me at: elenaburcioa[at] or via my instagram page here. Some of my work are available so if you are interested you can visit my online shop

Detail from the oil painting still in progress ‘Reading’

I recorded a real time video process about this painting on my Patreon. 
You can watch it here.

Detail of the oil painting ‘The Hug III’ 

Acrylic and oil painting on unprimed oil Moleskine paper. 

Detail from sketchbook September oil self portrait.